Registrants can purchase their PFR by submitting a form through the mail, over the phone at 902 742 6167, on our online portal (to renew), onsite mobile registration sessions and in person at 38B John Street, Yarmouth.
Will this board decide how I fish?
No, this board will not be involved in the management of the fishery and will focus its’ efforts on registration, certification and training.
Is the board representative of fish harvesters in Nova Scotia?
Yes, the board will be made up of directors from across Nova Scotia – representative of fleet sectors and geographical areas.
How will I know what the board is doing?
Communication tools such as our website and Facebook Page are available for registrants to keep up to date on the activities of the board. Staff of the board will also attend meeting of associations/organizations across Nova Scotia in order to provide updates on activities. An annual report will be produced and presented at the Annual General Meeting.
How are directors selected?
Directors are selected by a nomination process from each of the six zones that make up the Province of Nova Scotia. A full outline of the process is included in the governance policy for the board.
What is the mandate of the board?
The mandate of the board is to fund and coordinate training for fish harvesters that are registered and certified with them.
What will this board do?
The board will administer a registration, certification and training system for fish harvesters in Nova Scotia.
Where does the authority come from for this board?
This board is formed under the authority of the Fish Harvesters Registration and Certification Act that was passed in May 2012. The NS Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture was the sponsoring department for the legislation.
Where will the money come from to run this board?
Fish Harvesters will have an option to either register with the board or continue to register with DFO. If they decide to register with the board, those funds will be used to run the board. Fish Harvesters will only pay once.
Will the $50 ever increase?
The intention of the board is to maintain this fee at the current rate. Any changes made to the annual fee charged for registration and certification would have to be supported by the board and the Minister of Fisheries and Aquaculture in the Province of Nova Scotia.