(The certification process has not yet been implemented)
Why get certified?
Prove you have the skills and knowledge to be a valuable contributor to the Nova Scotia fishing industry.
Get certified at one of three levels:
• Certified Professional Fish Harvester – Licence Holder (L) and Non-licence Holder (NL)
• Professional Fish Harvester – Licence Holder (L) and Non-licence Holder (NL)
• Apprentice
How to get certified:
• Step 1 – Register. Once your registration is complete, you will receive an initial form to fill out.
• Step 2 – Fill out the form with your years of service and any training you’ve already completed. Once it is filled out, return it.
• Step 3 – You will receive notice of your completed certification, which will be safely stored in our system so you can access it at any time.
Certification FAQs
Q. What if I already am a core licence holder under DFO?
A. This process will stay the same. You will automatically be certified at your current DFO level.
Q. How do I move to a higher level of certification?
A. Apply here to move up. You will be asked to supply documents showing your training and sea time. The registrar will evaluate your documents and determine your new level of certification. You can appeal if necessary.